Friday, December 27, 2013

Sick and cancelled IUI

Merry Christmas! I know I'm a few days late but better late than never, I say! I hope everyone had a great Christmas or holiday or whatever you celebrate. If you celebrate nothing, then I hope you had a happy day! lol

I started feeling bad on Christmas eve but I went to my appointment anyway. Jay and I started taking some airborne in hopes that we'd be able to fight off whatever it was we were starting to feel. Jay managed to fight it off. I was not as lucky. Christmas I was feeling worse but still managed to get through the day fairly smoothly. Yesterday was probably the worst day of all. My temp was high and my head was pounding. So I asked Jay to call the RE and cancel our appointment because not only am I sick but now my oldest son is feeling really bad too.  Jay and I have decided to move forward with a medicated "natural" cycle. Meaning, we're just gonna go at it like normal people and hope for the best! LOL Of course being sick isn't very sexy and I haven't felt "up for the task" but hopefully we can get back to our trying. With the higher temps due to clomid, possibly false positives on my clear blue digital advanced ovulation predictor kit, and the sickness throwing the rest of my temps off, it's really hard to know if I have or have not already O'd. I'm still testing with cheap ovulation test strips and those have not shown a positive so I'll keep going with that until I either get a peak or AF shows. I'm 14 days in to my cycle and if my ovulation date is like my past ovulations I should be ovulating between CD15 and 19. Only time will tell! Wish us luck! We're gonna need it!

Until next time!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Clomid Side Effects

I am five days into my cycle and only three days into my five day prescription of clomid. I am already feeling side effects. Yesterday it started with just the crazed hormones. I'm not as patient as I usually am with the boys which results in a lot of yelling and frustrated corrections to them. Poor kiddos. Then last night I had a nose bleed which was weird. Then it happened again this morning. I think it has a lot to do with the hot flashes. So far I have hot flashes and craze hormonal mood swings. Let's hope they subside when I stop taking the medication! The kids are praying, I'm sure!

I just have to keep reminding myself that this is all for a greater cause. I just pray that these side effects are because my ovaries are producing a couple eggs so that we have a higher chance of success! Any suggestions or comments are welcome! I'd love to hear about other people's success stories or their process through clomid, IUI or both!

Until next time!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Cycle Day 1 of our IUI Cycle

   Today is CD 1! (Cycle Day 1) So immediately I called the clinic to ask them what I should do. I had an appointment scheduled for the 19th of December because I thought I would start closer to then instead of now but my body decided differently! Thank goodness I have all of my medications ready! 

   On Monday (CD 3), I will start my clomid and continue taking it for five days. This is supposed to help my body create and mature my eggs better. There is a possibility of multiples as it can cause a few eggs to be released at the same time. Generally the risk of twins while on Clomid is about 10%, though it can be higher depending on the person, (Info came from here). At this point, I just hope I get pregnant sooner than later. The risk of having triplets or more is less than 1% so I'm not even worried about that. These numbers would be so much higher if we went on with IVF! So thank goodness for our opportunity to do IUI instead of IVF! 

  While speaking to the clinic, I was informed that I will be needing the HCG injections which I assume will be to trigger ovulation so we can schedule the IUI precisely with ovulation. They wanted to see me on CD 12 but that is Christmas Day so I will be going in on Christmas Eve to have an ultrasound to check if my eggs are ready to be triggered. I will probably then be advised on when to administer the trigger shot and an appointment will be scheduled for 36 hrs after I am given the trigger shot to do the IUI (intrauterine insemination aka artificial insemination). I also have progesterone injections from the prescription I was given when we were going to do IVF so I will discuss the use of those after the IUI when I see the doctor on the 24th. Progesterone helps with the thickening of the lining and the implantation of the egg. Hopefully, I will be given the go ahead on those.

   I'm excited and nervous! It's all starting. Hopefully this isn't a waste but I think that if we don't get pregnant this cycle, we will do a medicated non-IUI cycle next month. Hopefully the doctor is ok with that. 

Until next time,

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Breath of fresh air!

   I get a phone call about one my prescriptions. Turns out the clinic forgot to fax over the script and during the phone call the gentleman told me that it was going to be $1432 for the medication. YIKES! So I call the clinic upset because I was told it was $35 for the medication when it was really $35 PER vial! That's a big difference. 

At least I was thoughtful enough to ask what the results of the sample Jay left to be frozen yesterday were.

His sperm count is 37 million with 43.2% motility. Which is AMAZING. We had thought he had scarred over!! Now he's got numbers better than anything we've seen!! 

WHICH MEANS WE DO NOT HAVE TO DO IVF!! Yay! The doctor called in a prescription of clomid and we'll do an IUI during my next cycle. If this doesn't work then I don't mind moving forward to IVF eventually but I'd rather not spend that kind of money if we don't need to.

The beginning of our IVF journey

  Yesterday we had our first appointment to start our IVF cycle. I received four medications. That turned into a debacle trying to get those scripts filled. Which then made me realize that once I start these meds, I'm going to be 100 times worse. I'm going to be given hormones to stimulate my cycle. I feel pity on my husband, my children and any poor soul I encounter in the next 30-45 days. Please pray for them, and me. lol 

   All this stuff starts next week, I have an appointment scheduled for the first day of my cycle. Then, hopefully they will explain to me how all of these medications work, how to take them and when to take them.  I'm feeling very confused and out of the loop on how this all works. The staff doesn't give a whole lot of details on what's happening and how it all works. Hopefully, they will at least explain the drugs and how to take them, when to take them and the appointments we have to make at our next appointment when my cycle starts. Until then, I'm reading what I can online.
   I found this general chart of the flow of IVF. This is helpful because now I have a general timeline. Thank goodness for the internet right?! 

(Approx. 12-15 days)
Baseline Ultrasound
(Approx. 10-12 days)
Trigger Shot
Egg Retrieval
(36-37 hours after trigger shot)
Embryo Transfer
(3-5 days after retrieval)
Pregnancy Test
(14 days after retrieval)
1st - Approx. 6 ½-7 weeks pregnant
2nd - Approx. 7 ½ - 8 ½ weeks pregnant
Release to OB at 8-10 weeks pregnant

So as long as my cycle starts on time (C'mon Dec 19th!!), my time line is looking like we'd be able to find out if we're pregnant on Feb 1st or so. 

The more I read into this process, the more real it becomes. Let's pray one cycle is all we need! I'm feeling nervous, anxious and scared. At the same time, I'm excited, happy and can't wait to find out if this works. Is it too soon for baby names?? LOL 

Until next time,

Monday, December 9, 2013

The Break is Over!

I took a much needed break from TTC and the whole process. Mostly to gather myself, mourn the idea I had that didn't pan out and reformulate a plan, if we decided to move forward.

In October, my husband went off to a 5.5 week school. The kids and I drove out to the east coast for his graduation and we just arrived home yesterday. During our 3 day drive home, Jay and I discussed our options at length. We have decided that if we are going to do this, we should just go ahead with IVF w/ ICSI. I'm not sure when we will start this but I'm hoping we can start it next cycle. I will be calling our fertility specialist soon to discuss the options and how quickly we can get started.

Of course, our minds can change at any moment. This is a very big decision and we will be talking about it constantly. We always discuss the pros and cons and things come up with out notice. But as of right now, this is our plan. Hopefully it works out for us.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Thoughts and Pros & Cons of Adoption

Last Friday, the RE gave Jay a prescription for Prednisone. Today he was finally able to get this prescription filled and will start taking them tonight. I've heard varying stories as to the success of prednisone. Some say that it helped and they got pregnant after taking it. Some say it helped temporarily by reducing the swelling and some sperm were able to get through. Then some say that it didn't help at all because they had already scarred over. Because of this all being a huge gamble one way or another, Jay and I have differing opinions on what we feel we should do. He would like to wait to see if the meds work and I want to go ahead with IVF. Again, affording IVF is a concern and right now I'm not sure we can afford it with out financing.

Adoption is also one of our options that we've been discussing. There for a short while, it was on the top of our list. I did research on all of our options and the more appealing one became, the deeper my research would become on that subject.

Pros for Adoption
  • Give someone a better life by opening up our family to them
  • If we adopt through foster care, it's cheaper and less risky of losing our paid fees.
  • No stressful and expensive medical procedures
  • Choice of race, age, sex of child we're adopting
Cons for Adoption
  • No pregnancy, no birth experienced together
  • Potential unknown health or behavioral issues
  • Very expensive if seeking infant adoption or overseas adoption
  • Strenuous process - home studies, lots of paperwork and interviews
  • Risk of child not bonding with us
Jay was completely on board for moving directly to adoption. I was more skeptical. The cost is very comparable to a round of IVF w/ICSI and the process could take months if not years to complete depending on our requirements for our potential child. State adoptions are typically cheaper while adoption agencies charge upwards of $20,000 per placement. With state adoptions, the children are typically older and a lot of them have siblings trying to be placed with them. With agency adoptions, there are more options of age, sex and race. I don't feel as though race is a huge priority of ours. I feel as though if adoption is the route we take, when we meet that child that is OUR child, it won't matter what their race is.

I'd say this is probably still an option in the running but I keep moving it up and down on our list. 

As of right now, I am fearful of the age gap between our next child and our current children. If we were to get pregnant now, there will be almost a 5 year gap between Eli and the baby and a 7 year gap between Jayson and the baby. If we adopt, we could be looking at a process that takes months to complete, but we could adopt a child close to our children's age. To set myself at easy about having a baby, I decided that I'd try for two babies so they'd be close in age together, but if we go with IVF that will be harder to do since it's so expensive. If we adopt we could try to adopt a set of siblings close to our boys' age. If we decide to do the reversal, it'll put us on hold for a little while before being able to have the surgery but the possibility of multiple children of our own conceived naturally is back on the table. I suppose I should do a bigger scale pros and cons list with all possible options so we can see what's more likely suitable for us.

I'm still leaning more towards IVF for now because I feel like it has better chances of working out for us and sooner. If you'd like to donate to help us either afford IVF or a reversal re-do, please click the link above or to the right of the blog. 


Until next time,

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Vasectomy Re-Do Pros and Cons

Another one of our options after Jay has scarred over, is to have another vasectomy reversal done. With his original reversal being a failure, I do not believe we would go through the military again. We called the International Center for Vasectomy Reversals to get an idea of how much we would have to pay for a re-do and before any discounts, their average charge is $9,800. Which is about $3,700 more than doing IVF but it gives us unlimited tries to get pregnant IF it works. None of these options are guarantees.

Pros for re-doing surgery

  • One time fee for the surgery (unlike IVF which is paid every time we attempt to get pregnant)
  • Unlimited tries at getting pregnant (if it is a successful surgery)
  • Can possibly conceive naturally
  • Less likely to need IVF
  • If pregnancy is accomplished, we experience pregnancy and birth together.
Cons for re-doing surgery
  • More expensive than one round of IVF ($9,800 before military discount for Surgery vs. $6100 w/ discount for IVF w/ ICSI)
  • Jay has to go through surgery and recovery all over again
  • We will have to wait until Jay is done with school in order to have surgery which means we can't do it until March
  • Risk of failure - No guarantee.
Like I said, we're leaning more towards IVF w/ICSI but I wanted to write out the different pros and cons so that we (and all of you) could see what are the pros and cons to each option.

Jay if there are any pros or cons that you would like to add, please do so but in a different color so we can differentiate between my pros and cons and yours.

I encourage everyone to add comments of pros and cons that they may have thought of that we haven't. All suggestions are welcome but please know that it might not be a priority for us and might not change our minds. 

Until tomorrow!

Monday, September 23, 2013

IVF Pros & Cons List

Well the results came back and Jay's hormone levels are fine, which is good and bad. Good because he's healthy, YAY! Bad because it's his hormones which is something that could be corrected.

The sample he gave had sperm though none were moving but they were able to freeze two vials. These aren't good enough for IUI so this month is a bust. Next cycle I can start clomid (or similar) to stimulate ovulation so they can harvest eggs for IVF. Since the sperm are non-motile, we'll have to do IVF with ICSI. Which means that instead of putting my egg and some sperm in a dish and let the sperm try to fertilize the egg, they'll have to take a single sperm and inject it into the egg under a microscope. Then we wait to see if the eggs fertilize and then they transfer them to me and we hope they implant.

Here are some of the pros and cons of IVF.... it's not our only option but it's the one I'll focus on today. Tomorrow, Jay or I will discuss the pros and cons of another option.

Pros of IVF w/ICSI (If it works)
We get to...
experience pregnancy together.
experience the birth together.
biological child.
know the medical history of the family.
pick out names together.

Cons of IVF w/ICSI
We ...
spend thousands of dollars trying ($5550-6100 per try with military discount)
don't have a guarantee that it will work (42.5%-50% depending on the doctors success rate)
might experience failed pregnancies
have possible side effects of medications (clomid has side effects of being highly hormonal while on it)
might not get pregnant.

In the end it is a decision we have to decide on together as a couple and maybe even as a family. As of right now, Jay and I are leaning more towards IVF w/ICSI over adoption or any other route but there is a lot that goes into deciding, including how we would afford it. If you would like, there is a donate button the the right of the blog, feel free to click it and help us out with our saving for IVF.

Until next time,

Friday, September 20, 2013

Low Sperm Count, Cryobanks and New Options

First, the reason we saw the RE is because Jay had an SA done on Wednesday and his counts came back at 200,000 sperm with none of them moving. There could be any number of reasons that the sperm count is that low. Scarring is one of them. That's the one we're terrified of and the one that means that it's over. Low testosterone or abnormal FSH levels, both of these can be corrected by medication. Infection is another reason and corrected by antibiotics. The last, less likely to me, reason is that it's just an off day, week or month for Jay's sperm count and they'll be back soon. HA! I don't buy that for a second. I believe there is something going on and we need to do what we can, when we can to fix it. Hopefully it's one of the ones that can be corrected with medication and not it's not scarring over.

If it scars over, we are done trying naturally. We would have to have a re-do or an extraction, both of which are costly. An extraction means that we'd HAVE to do IVF w/ ICSI which costs $5550-6100 depending on where we do it (HI or AZ) and that does not include the cost of the extraction.

If we go the route of a re-do on the reversal, that will cost us around $9800 (before military discount, still waiting to hear back on that) but we'd get unlimited chances at trying if it is successful. But the cost is higher than IVF, and IVF is already really expensive.

Another option Jay and I have discussed is adoption. This seems more likely for us because I feel as though it's less risky financially. We wouldn't be paying for a roll of the dice, like with IVF.

Of course the RE told us not to worry yet, it is to soon to worry. He had blood drawn to test the testosterone and FSH to see if the are low and we'll go from there. Jay also gave a sample for preservation and if it's any good it'll be frozen but if not, it'll be disposed of. The doctor wants us to try IUI this cycle if the sample is good enough for it.  I go back on Friday for a follow up. The clinic said we'd find out next week if the sample was good and the results of the blood tests. Then we'll know if IUI is happening, if IVF is possible and if the sample was sent to the cryobank.

Right now, I'm still under the impression that the VR is scarring over and that we'll have to choose another route besides natural conception, be it IVF or adoption, or maybe we'll just be done. It's a lot to process and decide. We'll be deciding for a while I believe.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Putting it on Hold

This past Thursday, we decided to scope. Now before the judgement on scoping comes in, here is a link that explains how to do an at home semen analysis. So that's what we did. I've become a pro since the reversal because we can only get a professional analysis done every few months.

Back to this Thursday, we scoped a sample. Now my microscope isn't the best but I typically can see swimmers, good and bad plus the dead ones. This time it was all dead. We hoped it was just a bad sample and decided to wait til Saturday to try again. Yesterday we scope again, nothing. All dead. Thousands of little dead sperm everywhere, not a single one wiggling or swimming. Now we didn't do anything different this time than we've done the times before when we saw sperm so I don't think it was our inexperience that caused them to die before looking at them on the scope. I'm hoping that it's just the effects of a few mistakes Jay made this past month. The night of excessive drinking, the slip of memory about the hot tub and possibly his constant caffeine intake but it's hard for me to logically believe that those few things could cause someone to go from 19mil/mL with 31.6% swimming to 0% swimming. 

I called the RE office on Friday in hopes of getting some advice or possibly an official SA done but they never returned my call. I will try again tomorrow in hopes of getting a hold of someone to schedule an appointment. But for now, we're out. I don't really see the point in trying this month. I don't want to go through the agony of trying and hoping to find out it didn't work. I'm going to continue to chart so I can build up the data on my body to make sure everything continues to work properly. Hopefully this month will be a nice break from the stress of trying.

I mostly wrote this to let you all know that this month and subsequently next month are probably out. Then Jay leaves until December for school so we won't be trying probably until December, if his sperm returns. I wish all of you luck in your TTC journey, if that's where you are and the rest of you luck in life in whatever you are facing at this point in time. Don't let the bad over shadow the good. 

Until next time,

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Follow Up with Specialist on 9/5/13

Well, This past Thursday I had a follow up with the specialist. To be honest, when they schedule the appointment, I wasn't entirely sure what I was going in for. During the previous appointment the Friday before, they had done blood work and an ultrasound to confirm ovulation and we discussed starting clomid next cycle to help us along. That's a whole other set of concerns of mine but we'll get to that later. Then they said to schedule an appointment for next Thursday and I assumed it was to go over the clomid, how to use it, when to use it and give me my prescription on top of checking my progesterone levels at 7dpo. Two birds, one stone... except I was wrong. It was ONLY to check my progesterone. I got called back by a nurse or lab tech, she took my blood and then told me they would call me with the results. WAIT WHAT?! I drove an HOUR and half ONE way to get blood drawn?! I could have done that in Sierra Vista! Ugh. So now I'm irked that they didn't discuss exactly what we going on and what I was coming in for. Looks like I'll be a little bit more persistent about what I'm scheduling when I schedule it instead of just doing what I'm told.

Now the clomid part, when we originally saw Dr. Gelety, we discussed trying for a few months and switching to IUI around the 6 month mark. When I came in for the ultrasound, Dr. Gelety was very busy and RNP Marta did the ultrasound and blood work. Then she said that she wanted to start me on clomid next cycle. Wait, huh? I thought we were trying for a few months and then going to IUI around the 6 month mark? Of course I didn't ask her because I don't think she knows what she's talking about. So now I have to call the office and speak to someone who can find out what Dr. Gelety wants us to do because as of right now my guidance is to call when my period starts to get my prescription of clomid. Logically it makes sense to put me on clomid for a couple cycles before trying IUI to see if giving Jay some extra eggs to aim for helps instead of going straight from natural to IUI but I feel in the dark since no one actually laid out this path before me and explained things. Fortunately, I'm smart enough to draw fairly logical conclusions as to why they're doing it but I would like to understand the thoughts and process the doctor is putting us on. I do really like Dr. Gelety and I don't really know Marta yet but I've heard some bad reviews about her. I don't foresee me really liking her and her approach. Hopefully I'll see Dr. Gelety only from here on out.

Today I am 9dpo and am anxious to find out if I'm pregnant. Aunt Flo should show no later than next Friday but I know I'll be testing between now and then. Wish me luck!

Until Next Time,

Friday, August 30, 2013

Second Fertility Appointment Update

Today was my fertility appointment. They did an ultrasound to check my uterus lining and ovaries. I ovulated yesterday from my left ovary and the ultrasound showed exactly that. It's nice to know how in tune with my body I've become over these past few cycles. Three months ago I wouldn't have been able to tell you if I've ever ovulated a day in my life (except the two beautiful children that prove that I have at least twice) but now I can pin point it down to a few hours. My lining looks good according to the doc and she even pointed it out to me. They should be calling with my progesterone levels unless they'll just wait until my appointment next week. I go in next Thursday and the doctor wants me to start fertility medications during the next cycle to increase our chances due to the lower sperm count. I think they'll give me clomid but I guess I'll find out next week.

As of right now we have about 3 to 6 million sperm that could possibly get to the one egg each cycle, as long as we time everything right. If I'm put on clomid then it will give those 3 to 6 million sperm two eggs to possibly get to each cycle. Since I just ovulated, I could possibly be pregnant and I'll know in about two weeks.

These next two weeks will be the longest two weeks of my life. At least I have stuff to do to keep my mind off just wondering if I'm pregnant.

ETA: I got a phone call about my progesterone and my level is 1.86. The nurse said I most definitely ovulated but it was very recently, which I already knew because of my pains yesterday morning and the ultrasound today. YAY! Hopefully we get pregnant!

Until next time,

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

This One's for the Guys

So Traci and I are currently in our third cycle since having my reversal. It hasn’t been easy for us, but I honestly feel that things will get better. I say that with some reluctance, because this cycle particularly has been difficult. It’s difficult because I have made some mistakes as it pertains to my “duties” in the conception. I do not want to get into the specifics of my flaws (which there are many), but I want any man reading this who is in the same position as me to know that you HAVE to take this seriously if a child is something you truly want.

Some things are easy to forget, and for me, I tend to forget a lot. Luckily I have a wife like Traci, who constantly reminds me of things I need to be doing. I know my reactions to these reminders are not always what they should be, and ultimately I shouldn’t need to be reminded as much as I am. So fellas, take it from me, LISTEN! Get rid of your bad habits, and realize what the goal is. If you want it bad enough you will make the changes. I’m not trying to kiss @$$ here, the few things I have to remember are nothing in comparison to what your spouse has to put up with, especially if you already have children and your spouse is a stay at home Supermom.

Here’s my attempt to give the male demographic an idea of some difficulties I’ve had:

1.       CELL PHONE. If your sperm count is low, just hold that thing in your hand! This is probably the most difficult thing for me to do because I have developed a habit since becoming a cell phone user to just put it in my pocket. This is a huge NO-GO if you are trying to conceive, especially if you are like myself and have had a vasectomy reversal.

2.       SUPPLEMENTS. Once again, these things are designed to help, so why wouldn’t you take them? Well for me, it’s another thing that is sometimes hard to remember. But I will tell you this, THEY WORK! My sperm count increased by approximately 10 million in under two weeks on my supplements. Do what you have to do to remember. Do what you have to do to ensure your spouse doesn’t have to remind you all the time (this factor will come into play later). TAKE THEM TAKE THEM TAKE THEM!

3.       ALCOHOL. They say that drinking a drink every so often won’t impact too awful much. Guess what? Limiting yourself to one drink every so often is difficult if you are accustom to drinking more regularly. It takes self control and a sense of responsibility. Unfortunately, I have difficulty with this. So my recommendation to you is DON’T DRINK! Simple as that.

4.       SEX.  As a man this subject should seem rather simple, show up, get business done, and repeat. Let me tell you that this couldn’t be further from the truth. Although sex during a cycle could seem regimental, don’t think of it as such. Don’t just think of it as a duty to get pregnant. If you know your wife’s cycle schedule, you should have an idea of when you’ll be having sex. Use this opportunity to get closer to your spouse. Take advantage of this time to rekindle the relationship in ways you typically may not have the chance to do. I write this knowing that this is another one of my shortfalls, but will definitely be one of the things will be working on. And remember what I said about the reminders? If your spouse has to constantly get on you about things, that will make the whole sex thing more of a job for the spouse, rather than something special shared between husband and wife.

I believe that open forums and blogs like this one are tools for people to learn from others, and I hope that at least one husband who is trying to become a dad (again for some) will read this and get something out of it. It’s harder than you would think, but can be made easier if you are proactive. Up to this point I have not been the most proactive husband, but in writing this, I have been able to look at myself a little harder to see what needs to be done. Men, take charge of your lives, and help out wherever you can.

Traci, I love you

Everyone else, until next time,


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Cycle #3: Does starting over every month get less frustrating?

Yesterday marked the first day of our third cycle. It's painful to find out every month that our efforts aren't working. I know it's only been two months but there is a lot of emotion that goes into this every time. Though this time I did feel a little bit of relief when I wasn't pregnant, though not much. The relief is because of our impending PCS. If I had gotten pregnant last cycle, I would have been due on April 20th and Jay's report date is April 25th for Fort Shafter, Hi. The stress that keeps compounding each month is that it won't happen before Jay leaves for school in October. Last month my cycle was a little longer than usual so now I don't think we'll be able to try in October before he leaves for school so we have August and September to try and if it doesn't happen then, we can't start trying again until December.

Trying to get pregnant while your spouse is in the military is far more difficult than it should be. Trying to schedule two unmovable events is impossible and extremely stressful for someone like me, someone that likes to plan and schedule everything. I'm sure it will happen eventually, especially with his better numbers.

On the upside, my PCM put in my referral for the RE. Jay had his tests last week and once my referral gets approved I can schedule my appointment with the RE. I really did like the doctor in Tucson. He was completely understanding of our fears and concerns regarding the reversal. Hopefully, having his support will ease our minds and help us get pregnant sooner than later, even if we have to try medications or procedures. Jay and I are still debating on when we think we'd feel comfortable moving on to IUI or even meds. It's hard to swallow that we might need medical assistance when it was so easy with our first two. But I've heard time and time again that our previous pregnancy don't count when it's post-reversal since this changes the entire game for us. I'm wondering if this will get easier for us as time passes or if it will get harder. I suppose only time will tell. I'm stronger than I think. I've been through so much already and I know I can handle this. It's just hard to remember that when you're in the thick of it.

There are my ramblings for today.
Until next time,

Friday, August 9, 2013

Fertility Specialist Appointment Update

Well, it took a little longer than we had expected to get the referral through so we had to reschedule our first appointment with the Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE). So a few days after cancelling the appointment, we get our referral approval in the mail and we were able to schedule our appointment for August 8th.

Yesterday morning we dropped Jayson off to school and headed to Tucson where the RE's office is. We get there about 30 minutes early, fill out our paperwork and get called back. We sit in a little consult room for about 15-20 minutes before the doctor comes in. He was very nice, listened to us talk and went over our history and concerns with us. Then he went over his plan of action. Since the first day of my last cycle was July 9th, he decided I should do a pregnancy test there in the office to see if I was pregnant before we proceed forward. He also ordered another SA on Jay.

The doctor's plan of action is that if we don't get pregnant on our own in a few months, we will try an IUI with clomid. I don't think he actually gave a time line for when we'll do it. I think 6 months but again, I don't remember him saying a specific time line. In the discussion he mentioned 3-4 months and 6 months but I can't remember if either of these were our time line. He said his biggest concern is to make sure we get pregnant before DH has the chance to scar over or before his counts start to decrease. The doctor wants to continuously monitor Jay to make sure everything is going well but if we see a few SAs that show his numbers declining, the doctor will fast track us to the IUI.

The SA yesterday was much better than last months so I'm happy about that! The SAs were about 3 weeks apart.
             Last Month                               This Month                      Changes
Count    5.2 mil/mL                                 19 mil/mL                        +13.8mil/ml
Motility  20%                                          31.6%                             +11.6%
Morph   90% abnormal                           50% abnormal heads       -40% abnormalities
pH         8.5                                            8.0                                  -0.5
WBC     Not tested                                 0

I'm very pleased to see the improvements across the board. This is very promising and if the improvements keep getting better I have a feeling we'll be pregnant in 2 or 3 more cycles. Unfortunately we only have 2, maybe 3 more cycles before Jay leaves for WOCS for a month. But we can pick right back up in December when he returns.

My blood pregnancy test came back negative but it's quite possible that the numbers just weren't good enough two weeks ago. I'm not late for my period yet. I'm not expecting it until Monday or Tuesday. Yesterday I was 11 days past ovulation. Not trying to say I'm pregnant and the blood test was wrong, but there is a slim possibility. I'm not holding my breath though. I'm just not the type of person that can ignore facts.

Since I believe the blood test is probably acurate, I had a nice big glass of wine last night. It was my first drink since the 4th of July and it was DELICIOUS! lol I think I might need to indulge a little bit more often so I don't feel so deprived of so much. I've been so good while trying to conceive that it's actually starting to stress me out which I believe is probably more harm to the cause than some of things I've cut out. So no more stressing (I'm gonna try) and more relaxing! Just gotta find the ways.

We left the doctor's office after we gave our samples but with out any guidance as to when to schedule our follow up. So Jay called yesterday and the doctor was out on an emergency, (What kind of emergency could a fertility doctor have?) and the office staff said to call back to schedule when I started my period. Alright... but why? What are we doing? I'm so confused. Not that the doctor was confusing but because I forgot to ask when we left the office and that was my bad. Ugh. So hopefully we'll get some answers today.

On to cycle #3 of trying! I'm going to take a new approach to the whole thing this time. Relaxation, no stressing out about getting pregnant. I'm sure I'll stress but hopefully about everyday things like school work and bills instead of pregnancy tests and ovulation kits! lol

Until next time!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

New doctors and Fertility Specialists

Last week was rough. Jay had his SA, the numbers weren't great and his doctor didn't have any insight for us at all. There was a referral put in, referral denied by the case manager, Jay fought with her and finally got everything ironed out. Well, today we received the referral in the mail. It's been APPROVED!

Since the referral is for an office in Tucson, we're going to try to get an appointment for after August 7th so that way Jayson will be in school and we'll only have to worry about Eli being in child care. We'll probably put him in hourly care while we make the trip up for the appointment. Hopefully we will have some answers after seeing Dr. Gelety at The Arizona Center for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. 

Today is Jay's 30th birthday but we celebrated this past weekend. We really had fun with our friends and it was nice to hang out and not think about getting pregnant for an afternoon. But of course after everyone left we were back to obsessing about it all.

I should be ovulating soon which means after that, we'll just be waiting around to find out if we "caught the egg"! This month seems to be dragging on far slower than last month but at the same time, it seems more relaxed to me. I don't know if Jay feels the same way but we're just enjoying ourselves and hoping it works out for the best.

This month, we've been discussing the possibility of twins a lot more. Yesterday I was even wracking my brain to think of 2nd names if there were twins. I don't know why it's on my mind as of lately but it really is stuck there for the time being. I think it'd be fun and exciting. Something new and challenging for me to conquer. I don't think it'll be easy but I do think it's something out of the ordinary and I like the idea of that. I'm always looking for new challenges though this isn't one I get to decide on. 

In the end, I just hope for a happy, healthy pregnancy and baby or babies. Everything else in between and after will sort itself out in due time. 

Now please excuse me while I check for the 2nd time today for an ovulation LH surge...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Emotional Free-Style

So here I am wondering what the subject for this blog should be. I think that I’m going to just free style the whole thing, so if I tend to ramble, please forgive me.

The last couple weeks have been both a physical and emotional roller-coaster…to say the least. Let’s start at the beginning. Last week I go in for a semen analysis, and guess what…they jacked it up. Turns out the nurse who put the order in only put me in for a sperm count. Now don’t get me wrong, at least the count let us know that all my hoses are connected and allowing sperm through. The only thing is…we can’t tell how healthy they are without a full analysis. So at this point, I need a full work up, but the individuals I spoke with said that they don’t do those on fort Huachuca. Well that ended up being a crock, and do you know who ended up hooking it all up, a private second class in the army…not a nurse or a doctor, so PV2 So and So, I thank you. Then I go in for the full work up, and let me get this out there real quick…some may think that all of this “providing a specimen” may be cool for a guy, but it’s not. It’s one of those things where if you’re being put on the spot and being told you HAVE to do it, it has no appeal. So I get the full work up done, and guess what…my numbers SUCK! Now the cool thing about Traci is, if she thinks something got jacked up, she’ll do what she can to prove it. Now at this point, if you would like to read the details about the arguments and whatnot that took place, feel free to read Traci’s post discussing it, I will fast forward to her pure awesomeness. She decides we should do our own scope. So once again I provide the “study material”, and she puts her lab coat on and gets to work. She of course sees swimmers right away…and a BUNCH of them. The last count I had received was 5 million, where 20 is the minimum norm. She goes through the process to do her own count, and you know what she gets? 52 million (approx). So automatically she believes that someone at the lab screwed up a decimal point. 

Needless to say, I’ve had my fill of the medical staff here. From nurses who can’t relay a simple message, to doctors that don’t know their ass from their elbow, and ESPECIALLY this case manager lady who doesn’t seem to want me to seek out the medical I need. I know Traci feels more strongly about all this than me, and I’m sorry for turning this into a venting session, but its how I feel at this very moment. 

So now we are waiting to go to Tucson to see a Reproductive Endocrinologist guy who is willing to actually help us out a little. We are excited, and hope that things continue to move in a positive direction. If they don’t I feel that me and Traci (sorry hun, I meant Traci and I) will just have to crack some skulls. Metaphorically of course.

til next time,


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Results & Options

The results came back yesterday and while they are low, I know that it's still early. The biggest concern I have is the drastic change in the count. On Tuesday, July 9th, Jay's count was at 26 million per mL which is with in the normal range of 20-200 million per mL. Yesterday, the results came back with a count of 5.2 million per mL. There are many things that may have caused this change. Drinking, lack of ibuprofen, caffeine and many other unhealthy habits that contribute to the over all health of a person. The ibuprofen is suggested after a VR because of the swelling, even after it seems/feels healed, swelling can cause a lack of sperm from being let through. So there are things we are going to work on at home.

Here are the results from yesterday: 

Count: 5.2 million per mL
pH: 8.5  (normal >7.2)
Motility: Minimal forward progression 
Motility: 20% (normal >50%)
Volume: 2.0mL (normal 2.0mL)
Morphology: 91% abnormal (normal 0-20 *I'm not sure what this means*)

These aren't great numbers. So Jay called his PCM yesterday to be told by a very rude receptionist that the lab shouldn't tell patients to call their PCM for explanation of results because doctors are busy and can't drop what they're doing to go over every lab result with patients. From my understanding, that's part of the doctor's JOB! Aren't they supposed to go over lab results with you, especially if they are BAD results?? I understand that the doctor was probably busy THAT moment when Jay called but seriously, she could have just said that the doctor was busy and would call him back to discuss the results at his earliest convenience. 

Well anyway, Jay calls this morning to schedule an appointment to speak with the doctor in case calling doesn't get him anywhere.  After he scheduled his appointment, he called and left a message with the nurse to call him back to discuss the results. The nurse called him back and read the notes in the file with the lab results. The doctor is going to refer Jay to a specialist. The two types of specialists that were mentioned were a Urologist or a fertility specialist. At this point, I feel as though the PCM is out of his depth with this case and doesn't know where to go, which is fine, not all doctors can be specialists in ever arena but I'm glad to know that this doctor knew when to pass the case. 

Now we wait for the case manager to call Jay with his options for specialists. Once he has the info he can start making phone calls to schedule an appointment with the new doctor(s). I'm not sure if he/we will see one specialist or both specialists, which specialist it'll be if it's just one but at this point, having someone familiar with reversals and infertility is going to be beneficial to our journey. Hopefully the next update is better.

Until next time,

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Optimism & Dreams

Last week, after the horrible fiasco with Jay's nurse and doctor, he eventually got the semen analysis(SA) scheduled for this week. It only took multiple calls to the clinic explaining that the VR surgeon actually requested the SA and a call to the surgeon to let him know we were having issues with the clinic down here. By the time the surgeon called back, the clinic had fixed their mistake but Jay still informed Dr. Anderson of the troubles he had and Dr. Anderson was very helpful and let Jay know that if he ran into any more trouble to not hesitate to call him. I already love his surgeon! Amazing, awesome doctor who PERSONALLY called my husband back. Those types of doctors are hard to find and are especially rare in the military. So a HUGE thank you to him!!

Well, today was the scheduled SA. The lab here does them only on Tuesdays. It's funny because Jay's PCM told him that the lab here doesn't do them at all. Weird huh? Why would his PCM tell us that they don't do them here when clearly they do? Seems shady. The more we try to work with the clinics here the more I can't wait to get somewhere else a little bit more fertility friendly. C'mon Hawaii or where ever the Army wants to send us after WOBC!! Well, Jay went into the lab this morning and dropped off his sample. They told him they'd have the results late this morning (prior to lunch) or early this afternoon. Jay said he'll start making phone calls around 11am to see if the results are in. At least we'll get them today!! YAY! I don't know how I'm going to be able to wait three plus hours to find out the results but I guess I'll find a way! 

On another note, I found out yesterday a friend (whom I've become very close to over the past few months) got her BFP (big fat positive) and I'm soooo excited for her and her family!! I wish it were me and I'm slightly envious but hopefully I'll get mine this cycle and we'll have our babies close together. Well because of the supplement I took at the beginning of this cycle and hearing about her BFP, I had a dream last night. In my dream, Jay and I found out I was pregnant. I took the pregnancy test very early but it was still a very dark line so we immediately assumed twins. Here's where the dream turns unrealistic but still fun... Jay and I did a home ultrasound (not possible, those things are thousands of dollars) and we see two sacs. We start stressing about whether or not we need to see a doctor immediately since I'm pregnant with twins. Even though I woke up during the anxiety and stressing portion of the dream, I can't help but feel optimistic today. With Jayson, I had a dream at like 2-3 months that I was having a boy and I had a boy! Not that I feel as if I have a gift of seeing the future in my dreams but it gives me optimism that my body knows that we'll be pregnant soon. Maybe we'll have twins, maybe we won't but I'm very optimistic about this cycle and possibly the next. The only thing that could "kill" this optimism and happiness I have today would be for the results to come back with bad numbers. 

I suppose I'll know no later than this afternoon if we have a chance to have a baby (or babies) this cycle. So exciting and stressful! I guess I'll have to update you later about what we hear!!

Update ya later!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Lab work, Doctors and Miscommunication

Yesterday was hard. For me, for Jay and for our journey. I mentioned in yesterday's post that Jay had an appointment to get lab work done. Well, that was a bust.

First let me start with, we live in a small town, on a small post that does not have an extensive medical facility. We have a clinic, not a hospital. Almost everything outside of basic care is sent off post. Jay had to be sent to Fort Lewis, WA to get the vasectomy reversal done since Fort Huachuca does not have a urologist. The specialist at Fort Lewis told Jay that he needed a "semen analysis" done after the reversal to insure it was a success and we will more than likely have to keep getting these analysis done until we are done TTC. Because, at any time Jay's surgical site could scar over and then he would become infertile. The only way to correct that would be for him to go through another surgery.

Yesterday, Jay went to his PCM and asked for a semen analysis. I suppose the Doctor or the Nurse decided that this was a simple task and that Jay did not need to speak with the doctor in order to get the order for the lab work put in. The nurse was the only person Jay saw. **This was my first red flag, but I was able to ignore it and still hope for the best.** Jay was told that he could call the clinic and speak with the nurse at the end of the day for the results. AWESOME! Jay had decided he'd call around 2pm so that we had plenty of time before the lab closed to insure we got the results before everyone ran screaming from the building an hour before CoB.

At 2pm, Jay attempted to call the clinic and no one answered. He called around 2:30, spoke to the nurse and was told to call back in 15 minutes when she was done screening a patient. He called back at 2:45 and she explained that she made a mistake. She thought that the lab work was for a count after a Vasectomy. His count is 26 mil per mL. That's wonderful but uhm... what are the motility, morphology, pH, vitality and fructose levels? **Jay is messaging me on facebook as he speaks to the nurse and I'm LIVID** So he gets off the phone with her with no real answers. So I ask him to call them back to reschedule the correct lab work for later this week and to speak with the actual DOCTOR this time. So he makes the phone call, the doctor is in with his last patient of the day and will call you when he's done. Then Jay gets the phone call, he explains that he needs a semen analysis and the doctor says that he only has the option to order a count in the system so he'll have to call the lab to see if they can even do a full blow semen analysis. They end the call and the doctor does his limited research. He calls Jay back to tell him that the lab here on post does not have the capabilities to do the SA and Jay asks what his other options are. The doctor says that they can't send off for the actual SA because of budget cuts and it costs money. **Uhm, since when did the army pay for medical, I'm pretty sure that's what TRICARE is for!** But it gets better, the doctor then says Jay can come back in 2-3 weeks for another count and if it hasn't improved then they can refer him to a specialist. Wait, WHAT?! You can't afford sending a sample off to a lab but you can refer him to a specialist. I'm not a doctor, or a nurse... I'm not even medical office personnel but that sounds freaking ridiculous. "I'm sorry we can't get the test you want done because it costs to much money, but if you come back for another simple test, we'll refer you to a civilian fertility specialist, who cost 100 TIMES more than a lab analysis." Am I insane? How could a fertility specialist cost LESS than a semen analysis?! It couldn't possibly. That's just incomprehensible for me.

Now of course being me, when Jay got home I grilled him intensely about the conversation so that I could pin point where everything went south. The only time Jay said that he was a vasectomy reversal was to the nurse. So now the doctor is making decisions based on something he wasn't reminded of. Jay also neglected to inform the doctor that his vasectomy reversal doctor (a SPECIALIST) gave him instructions to get a SA done after the surgery. Of course, yesterday I was angry with Jay and it resulted in us fighting but it's since been resolved and I have to remember that Jay doesn't think the way I do. Today he'll call the doctor and explain his situation and the instructions from the reversal doctor and hopefully we will be able to just get a SA done with out any more trouble. If that doesn't work, then we will be contacting Patient Advocacy and the vasectomy reversal doctor in Washington.

I think everything happening yesterday just made it worse. Yesterday was the day I realized there was no hope of a pregnancy for the June cycle and as much as I prepared myself for the disappointment, it was still hard to take. Which made the news of the "screw up" hard to take. I don't believe yesterday was any one particular person's fault. Everyone made assumptions about what the others wanted or knew. Jay assumed the doctor knew it was post reversal because it's in his record, the nurse assumed it was just a count because that's the only option on the system. The doctor assumed Jay was just being demanding and requesting a specific lab because of his desires not because of medical need. At least this is me hoping that's the case. I suppose we'll find out today if the doctor was just misinformed or if he is just going to refuse the lab work even though it's requested by the specialist.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Cycle 1 is over... On to Cycle 2!

Today marks day one of cycle 2 in our TTC journey. While it is disappointing to not end up pregnant right away, it really was only our first try. The average pregnancy after vasectomy reversal takes approximately a year to achieve. There are successes that occur before the year mark but the average is a year. I've met women who get pregnant right away and I've met woman who are still trying 1-3 years later. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. There is no guarantee that it will result in pregnancy even if the surgery is a success.

Yesterday, I scheduled my appointment to talk with my PCM about a possible referral to a Gynecologist office. I don't necessarily believe that I have fertility issues but with our decreased chances just because of the VR, I'd like to make sure that we aren't trying when we should be seeking help. I know most doctors what patients to try for a year, but most patients are normal people with no signs of fertility issues. If we already know for a fact that we have a lower chance, we should check to make sure our chances aren't even lower because of me. Many women who are trying to conceive with a spouse that has had a VR have gotten their fertility checked well before a year of trying to conceive.

On another note, Jay had his first follow up after his surgery today. They are doing some lab work on him and we should know by the end of the day what we're working with, at least for the time being. Fortunately this is just going to be our starting levels. A man's levels can always increase or decrease so we're going to do everything we can to increase his levels and health while we're trying to conceive. He started a supplement package about a week ago and hopefully they are beneficial. We'll know more once 2-3 months have passed and we can see if there is a change in his levels and lab work.

I am also looking into supplements and vitamins for myself. I haven't decided on any specifically yet because we don't even know if there is an issue with me. Though if anyone out there in the large world wide web has some suggestions on supplements or vitamins I should increase or start taking, I'd love the advice. I am currently on a prenatal and a prenatal supplement with calcium and folic acid.

Hopefully the end of this cycle in about 28-30 days, we'll have exciting news of a new addition. Or, maybe we won't. It's all in God's hands and we will pray his plans are shown to us soon!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Trying to Conceive is Torture!

Jay had his surgery and he healed really quickly. I started charting which involves me waking up at the butt crack of dawn to take my temperature with a crazy special thermometer. So I take my temp super early and put it into my little app for that day and go back to sleep. There are a few other signs I have to observe while waiting for ovulation and then once ovulation occurs, we sit around and wait to find out if we were able to "catch the egg". 

Well according to my chart, I ovulated on June 24th and I'm 11 day past ovulation (dpo). I've taken a pregnancy test (a cheap internet strip test called a Wondfo) every day since 8 dpo and they've ALL been negative. Yesterday afternoon, Jay, a few of my friends, and I THOUGHT we saw a little hint of a line but this morning that was contradicted with a blatantly obvious NEGATIVE on a First Response Early Response (FRER). It's really frustrating because lots of women can get early positives around 8 dpo to 12 dpo. I've never tracked my cycle like this before so I have no idea if my pregnancy tests for Jayson and Elijah were early or after I was late. I should be expecting my wonderful Aunt Flo to visit sometime between Monday and Wednesday so I wish I had the self control to just WAIT until then. 

Wanting to be pregnant is so much more difficult than missing your period and going "Oh I might be pregnant." Even only one cycle in and I would much rather go back to being ignorant of the process. I wish I could just not think about it and TTC then when I miss my period, test like a normal person who might be pregnant instead of watching my calendar go soooo slowly. Testing in the morning to see if there is a tiny faint line on these cheap test just to be disappointed or delusional. 

TTC really brings out the crazy in a person. I really hope that this cycle is just my lesson on TTC & Charting and things go much differently next cycle. 

With all the negative tests and crazy over-analysis of my chart, I'm fairly certain this just isn't our cycle. Which is Okay! The first month after a reversal isn't usually the month that it happens so I have to remember that we have 1.5 more months until things are supposed to get back to normal with in Jay so I shouldn't be so disappointed. It's just so hard not to be. And all those pregnant chicks that I'm friends with make me want to scream. Mostly the ones that I know get pregnant so easily. Ugh! Let it be MY turn! 

Here's my chart in case any of you wanted to see it.  Traci's Chart

I'll update you guys next week on whether or not Aunt Flo drops by or not.

Until Next Time,